Collection: Alberto Corazón

Alberto Corazón Climent (Madrid, January 21, 1942 - February 10, 2021)1 was a Spanish designer, photographer, sculptor and painter.

Some of his best-known designs represent the logos of Spanish institutions and companies such as the National Library, Casa de América, Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, Junta de Andalucía, Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico, ONCE, Paradores , Renfe Cercanías, SGAE, Centro Cultural de la Villa de Madrid, etc. He was founder and president of the Spanish Association of Professional Designers.

In November 2006 he entered the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando with the creation of the designer discipline in said institution.2​ In 2018, the Government Council of La Rioja distinguished him as Honorary Riojano, the highest decoration that The Autonomous Community of La Rioja grants it to citizens who, not enjoying the status of Riojans, meet sufficient honors and relevant merits for the benefit of this Community.