Payment policy

At Arte Exclusivo , we offer an exclusive and hassle-free shopping experience, ensuring convenient payment options for our valued customers. We accept various payment methods to suit your preferences and ensure a smooth transaction process. Below is a detailed summary of our payment policy:

Accepted payment methods:
1. Visa
2. Mastercard
3. Teacher
4. American Express (AMEX)
5. Union Pay
6. Apple Pay
7. Google Pay
8. PayPal

Secure transactions:
Your safety is our top priority. We use encrypted payment gateways and adhere to industry-standard security protocols to safeguard your personal and financial information during transactions. Rest assured that your data is protected at every step of the payment process.

Processing payment:
Upon selecting the items you wish to purchase, proceed to checkout where you will be able to choose your preferred payment method. Follow the prompts to complete the transaction. For credit and debit card payments, you will be asked to enter your card details and confirm the transaction. For mobile payment methods like Apple Pay and Google Pay, simply authorize the payment using your device's authentication method.

Payment authorization:
Please ensure the payment information provided is accurate and up-to-date to avoid payment authorization issues. In the event of a failed transaction, please double-check your payment details or contact your card issuer/payment provider for assistance.

Currency and prices:
All transactions at Arte Exclusivo are processed in the currency displayed on our website. We reserve the right to modify prices or adjust pricing errors at our discretion.

Refund and cancellation policy:
For information on refunds, cancellations or payment-related disputes, please see our Refund Policy .

Contact Us:
If you have any queries or concerns regarding payments or our payment policy, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. We are here to help you promptly and ensure a satisfactory shopping experience.

Customer Support-

Business Name: Exclusive Art
Mobile: +34643521345
Business Address: Avenida de Brussels 53, 28028 Madrid, Madrid Province, Spain.
Return Address: Pl. del Mar Egeo, 4, 28821 Coslada, Madrid.

Thank you for choosing Arte Excluso for your purchasing needs. We appreciate your trust and support.