Collection: Andreu Alfaro

Andreu Alfaro Hernández (Valencia, August 5, 1929 - Valencia, December 13, 2012)1 was a Spanish sculptor, described as one of the most relevant of the 20th century.

In the 1970s he would consolidate himself as an artist, participating again in the 1976 Venice Biennale and starring in a large exhibition at the Velázquez Palace in Madrid's Retiro Park in 1979.

There are works by Andreu Alfaro in museums around the world and on public roads in many locations, particularly in Spain. His most important works were La rella (1961), La veu d'un poble (1964-1965), Monument a l'amor (1965-1967), Bon dia llibertat (1975) and Catalan power (1976).