Collection: Antonio Mingote

Ángel Antonio Mingote Barrachina (Sitges, January 17, 1919-Madrid, April 3, 2012) was a Spanish cartoonist, writer and journalist, member of the Royal Spanish Academy. He obtained the noble title of first Marquis of Daroca.

He began his career as a cartoonist in the magazine La Codorniz in 1946 under the guidance of its director, Álvaro de Laiglesia. In 1948 he published his first novel, Cardboard Palm Trees, and on June 19, 1953 he began a collaboration with the newspaper ABC, which continued until his death. Two years later, in 1955, he was entrusted with the direction of the humorous magazine Don José —belonging to the newspaper España in Tangier—, in which today's eminent writers and cartoonists began to publish, and he directed it in its first hundred issues. Throughout his career he would also collaborate in other publications such as Moncayo, Reconquista or Revista Española de Defensa.

Mingote has enjoyed international prestige9 and his jokes have been reproduced and translated in the foreign press such as The New York Times, The Times Wednesday and The Daily Telegraph.