Collection: August Puig

August Puig Bosch (Barcelona, ​​April 1, 1929 - Gerona, October 25, 1999) was a Spanish painter and engraver, from the Catalan area.

Initially it reflected the influences of Favism, Cubism and the painting of Paul Klee, Kandinsky and Joan Miró.

Although his departure to Paris caused a distancing from what would be the sphere of influence of the Dau al Set, he presents clear affinities with the artists of this Catalan avant-garde group.

From the Parisian period onwards, his painting tended to merge surrealist motifs with informal abstraction, until he gave total predominance to colored waters and stains that characterize his very original contribution to abstract expressionism. Thanks to the particular technique used with printing inks, the plastic contortions of colors and shapes manage to create a space with ethereal and almost liquid fluctuating masses. His work, at the same time subtle and intense, configures a poetic and mysterious world, usually in cold colors, with a powerful chromatic and formal originality.