Collection: Carlos Saura

Carlos Saura Riaza (Villanueva de los Infantes, 1960), is a Spanish painter.

Carlos Saura Riaza was born in Villanueva de los Infantes (Ciudad Real) in 1960. He has resided in Valencia since 1963, the city where he has generated most of his work and has developed as an artist.

Throughout his career he has held various exhibitions in different Spanish cities. He has also exhibited at different national and international fairs and competitions, such as "Our world in the year 2000 International Contest", being one of the 5 selected by Spain.

In 2006, his work "Porvenir" won first prize in the I Figurative Painting Competition, organized by the Fundació de les Arts i els Artistes and since then it has been part of the permanent collection of the European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM) in Barcelona.