Collection: Francisco López Soldado

Doctor in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid and Full Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Madrid. He has been dedicating himself to creation for more than 50 years. Expertise in drawing and painting and also in sculpture predominates in his work. Experimentation also permeates his work, which establishes a link between thought and matter.

His work can be found in different art galleries and institutions, such as the Museum of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando (Madrid); the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum (Madrid); the Museum of Fine Arts of San Telmo (San Sebastián); the National Library and the Museum of Fine Arts of Jaén, among others.

In addition, he has created the Center of Visual Arts in the Toledo municipality of Valdeverdeja, a certainly beautiful space that contains an important part of López-Soldado's pictorial and sculptural creation. This museum space has works by Enrique Brikman, José María de Labra, Abel Cuerda, Joaquín Capa, Luis Feito, Antoni Tàpies, Francisco Farreras, Antón Patiño or Juan Antonio Tinte.

The Madrid artist perceives an inner universe that he transfers to his inventiveness. Science rises in its palette that pictorially collects the human microcosm to make the invisible real, configuring - as a series - a visual corpus that identifies its style.

All in all, the aesthetics of Francisco López-Soldado's work reveal a world that is born from meticulous observation, from that silence that transforms matter into an imaginary with which the artist returns us to the origin. His inventiveness grows in a lighting chromaticism that transpires towards true emotion.

A fundamental artist in the history of Spanish art since the mid-60s of the last century, his presence in the 21st century confirms the teaching of a great creator.