Collection: Javier Mariscal

Javier Errando Mariscal (Valencia, February 9, 1950) is a Spanish multidisciplinary designer. Since 1970 he has lived and worked in Barcelona.

He studied design at the Elisava school in Barcelona but soon left to learn directly from his environment and to follow his own creative impulses. His first steps were in the world of underground comics in publications such as El Rrollo enmascarado or Star, along with Farry, Nazario and Pepichek with whom he later moved to live in an apartment on Comercio Street until the police persecution of the Divine Piranha. from Seville caused the group to disperse,1 leaving with the Farriol brothers to a rural house in Ibiza, where they lived with two Valencian friends, Montesol and Onliyú and participated in the album Nasti de plasti (1976).

His work is in several collections, both public and private; Moma, Victoria & Albert Museum, Vitra Design Museum, Philadelfia Museum of Art, Barcelona Design Museum, the Lafuente Archive, IVAM, the National Museum of Art of Catalonia, Fudació La Caixa, Ricard Collection, Paris and in the Aigües de collection Barcelona.