Collection: Juan Mayor

Juan Alcalde Alonso (Madrid, February 9, 1918- Madrid, May 31, 2020) was a Spanish painter and printmaker.

Among his individual exhibitions, the one held in 2001 at the Sala Dalmau in Barcelona stands out. Regarding it, in his article “The Last of Paris”, the doctor in art history and former director of the National Museum of Art of Catalonia Xavier Barral, wrote: […]“Mayor is himself, with his geometry solitary, the regularity of the cities now exposed, from Paris to New York and Rome, their colors, the Mayor's white, the taste for the circus; so many things that make a man, an artist, an essential ascetic and essentialist in painting, a lover of reality and life, a delicious and natural man.[...]. El Periódico de Catalunya critic Josep Maria Cadena commented on the exhibition: “Alcalde's painting is one of those that reaches to the deepest depths without the need for transcendentalisms. “He feels what he says and transmits it with the simplicity of what is important”