Collection: Luis Javier Gayá Soler

Luis Javier Gayá Soler (Madrid, 1962)
He began his artistic training in 1978 in the studio of the painter Begoña Izquierdo. After studying two years at the Higher School of Architecture of Madrid, he graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid in 1987 in the specialty of Restoration and in 1988 in Painting.

Two years later he will finish the Doctorate courses. In 1996 he was invited to join the Escorial School of Figurative Painters founded by D. Luis García Ochoa, painter and member of the Royal Academy of BBAA of San Fernando. This same year he began to work and research in the engraving workshop of the printer Pedro Arribas in Madrid, and in 2001, at the Centro Internazionale della Gráfica in the Atelier Aperto di Venezia. In 1996 he obtained the Reina Sofía Prize, at the LXII Salon d'Automne, the highest award that can be obtained in this contest and was invited to be part of the board of directors of the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors, being Vice President from 1998 to 2002.

He has worked in Madrid and Rome, where he has resided for different periods since 1997, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs awarding him in 2000-2001 the Scholarship of the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome and later the Fotuny Scholarship of Venice, sponsored by the Consulate. of Spain in Venice. He has also been awarded a scholarship by the Landscape Chair of the Complutense University of Madrid and the Provincial Council of Segovia, with the Paular Scholarship, as well as by the Residency of the Rodriguez-Acosta Foundation of Granada, and that of the Pontevedra Provincial Council. with the Castillo de Soutomayor Fine Arts Scholarship.