Collection: Nelson Dominguez

Nelson Domínguez was born in Santiago de Cuba on September 23, 1947. He is a Cuban painter, draftsman, illustrator, sculptor, engraver and ceramist. He studied at the San Alejandro Academy of Plastic Arts and at the Higher Institute of Art of Havana where he has been a professor and head of the Painting Department. He has been part of tribunals in various national and international competitions and is the National Prize for Plastic Arts of Cuba. He is a member of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) and the International Association of Plastic Artists (AIAP).

His works can be found in Cuba, Japan, Mexico, France, the United States, England, Holland, India, Malaysia, Panama, Brazil, Colombia, etc., and in private collections of personalities such as the Queen of Holland, Steven Spielberg, Robert Redford , Liv Ullmann, etc.