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Antonio Guijarro Gutiérrez

Antonio guijarro gutiérrez

Antonio guijarro gutiérrez

The Eagles (VIII)

Regular price €145,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €145,00 EUR
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20% descuento código FTMZ1K127D13

Sheet from the folder “The Eagles” -in the grandiose setting of nature-, the power of the imperial raptors will fly over the oak of ambitious human possession.

Edition tribute to Gabriel Miró on the 100th anniversary of his birth.

You can also purchase the complete folder.

Original etching signed and numbered by hand by the artist.

  • Medidas del papel: 48.5 x 37.5 cm – (32 x 24.5 cm stain)

  • Técnica: Etching, Dry Point, Aquatint

  • Edición: 195 copies + XXV

  • Ejemplar: The numbering of the purchased work may differ from that seen in the images shown. In each copy the measurements may vary in mm.


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