Collection: Rafael Canogar

Rafael Canogar (Toledo, 1935) is a Spanish painter, one of the main representatives of abstract art in Spain.

He initially used a sculptural-pictorial technique: with his hands he scratched or squeezed the paste that he made vibrate on flat colored backgrounds. It was a painting in which the initial gesture comes directly from the heart. At this point Canogar embodied the best of material painting.

In 1957, with other artists (A. Saura, M. Millares, Luis Feito and Pablo Serrano), as well as the critic José Ayllón, he founded the Madrid group El Paso.

In 1982 he received the National Prize for Plastic Arts. There are his works in several modern art museums: Cuenca, Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Turin, Rome, Caracas and Pittsburg (Carnegie Institute), etc. Also in the Museum of Pontevedra, within the Sánchez Mesa-Fernández de Tejada Collection of Contemporary Art, is the work Los Manifestantes (1970).